Sunday, June 21, 2009

morning brain

A young white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginia...Image via Wikipedia

I am an early bird, up before the sun most days. I am a greens keeper and riding my bike to work at 5:45 am is a wonderful thing. I love when my bike reaches the point where i don't have to pedal anymore. Work is about two hundred and fifty feey lower than by house. I just have to pedal up my block and around the corner. when i get to the corner of the trans-Canada and Kenogami street i just coast and listen as the wind changes from a low whisper to a full out howl.
The downhill portion of my trip has three distinct stages. Number one is the initail speed gathering stage when i am flying past the house with the beautiful giant Alaskan Malamute. Every morning i wake the outdoor guard dogs of terrace-bay. stage two has be leveling of after about six blocks of mid range speed. i race past the abandoned apartment buildings and the empty Navy scouts hall. Stage three involves the most interesting part of the ride. After i pass the Scouts hall I get a real good view of the Slate Islands but I can't look to long as the road turns and really starts to drop fast. At this point i estimate i am travelling at about sixty- five kilometers and hour. On wed morning while traveling my fastest i had to swerve around a rather large black bear. the road is paved as it is the only access to the Terrace bay Beach. if it was gravel i would have a very intimate relationship with Ontario's king of the jungle. The bear was only there to eat wild rhubarb that grows on the side of the road.
After the hill there is about a five hundred yard slowdown zone. it is in this area that i see the black and grey fox who steals golf balls from work. I then spend my day returing the golf course to the way i left on the previous day( that pesky Mother-Nature keeps changing things). During my day I see the two foxes who live on the course. I give one dog cookies, he has earned the name Foxy foxerson. ( dont ask as he is probably a she). The vixen is Red and suede coloured and Hauntingly beautiful as all wild animals are. As i cut the greens I gradually end up with wet feet from the heavy dew that soaks the morning grass. After i have mowed my nine i often stop to enjoy a drink as a large white tail deer runs and bucks in the ninth fairway. after i am done cutting back what grew overnight I get on my bike and start the long and slow ride back up to my wife and son. This trip has only one phase, heart pounding cardio. one the way up I always get angry as i pass the small brook that runs through a culvert under the road. there is always garbage in the water. I stop and pck the bottles out and throw them in the waste bins up the road but every few days there is more. I wish everyone would stop and look around before they threw crap into the tributaries of north-america's largest fresh water reserve. Stupid humans. Animals are so much nicer to mother nature.
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