Friday, June 5, 2009

i have just quit my facebook account. it feels kind of weird not to know what the guy i sat beside in grade six thinks are his five most favorite action movies are but i am surviving. I try to think back to what i used to do with my spare time before facebook and i remember doing home renovations and generally getting things done. i wonder what the inefficiency level of our society has to do with the economic decline. take the whole GM bankruptcy crap. I remember seeing a news story about the production of cars a few yeas ago and it showed the "line" where they are produced. there were four guys standing there putting on tires. a machine held the tires and another machine tightened the bolts. all the people did was guide the bolt machine in place. why was there four of them? how much did they get paid? was there not a robot that could do this job?. no wonder they went bankrupt. the car dealership here in town knocked 10,000 dollars off the price of a pontiac minivan. how bad were we getting screwed before?

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