Monday, September 28, 2009

1995- 2009 i should be a doctor

On the 19th of August i had a job interview with the Regina Public School Board. The interview was for a custodial position with a starting wage of about 17 dollars an hour. The interview went well; I had all the necessary experience for the job. And i got along well with the three men that interviewed me. At the end of our interview when we stood to shake hands, one of the interveiwers said in passing that he would need to see a transcript of my grade twelve marks. My heart sank and i shook hands and left.

It was easy for me to leave school. I started high school in 1995 at Sheldon Williams Collegiate. I immediately was more interested in the social aspects of school than the subjects. At the end of grade nine i was smoking pot two or three times a week and had failed all my classes. It was the same for grade ten. After my fourth year of high school i still needed to get 11 credits. i was already the guy in the back of the class that everybody knew. And i was eighteen in a room full of fifteen year olds. I got a job delivering pizza and that was the end of high school for me.
Leaving school didn't put me at an immediate disadvantage. I was working full time while my friends were in university. I had lots of money and was able to drive a nice car. It wasn't untill my friends finished university that i realized i wasn't ahead at all. I was stuck working as a concrete labourer out side year round with no real future. It took the birth of my son for me to realize that i didn't want to live like this forever. I was tired of telling people that I was a high school dropout and hearing them say " You're a smart guy, How come?"
i needed to get a career instead of a job. I couldn't do this without a grade 12 diploma. After the job interview i went down to the office of the Minister of Education and applied to write my GED. About a week later i got a phone call from the School Board saying that i had got the job. I explained how i was signed up to write my grade 12 but did not yet have it. The man i spoke to said that once i had showed him that i had passed, I could start working. So here i am. It was easier to come back than i thought.
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